Urgent and unexpected projects – Free online event 21.sept.2020

v septembri sa mal v St.Petersburgu konať 32.svetový kongres IPMA. Vzhľadom na aktuálnu situáciu s Corona-vírusom a ochorením Covid-19 sa organizátori rozhodli podujatie posunúť o rok.

Napriek tomu sa však rozhodli v plánovanom termíne uskutočniť 4-dňové online podujatie, na ktorom sa viacerí projektoví profesionáli budú venovať priamo aktuálnej téme – Urgent and unexpected projects.

Originálna správa:

Urgent and unexpected projects. English day  21st of September, 2020 In the last few months our world has changed dramatically as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, forcing us to rethink some of our ideas about project work. The emergency nature of the reaction to the global outbreak means decisions must be made immediately, plans must be enacted in a matter of hours – or minutes – and our conservative aversion to risk taking must be reversed to facilitate rapid mega transformations in organisations, nations and society at large. Yet, the need to respond urgently, and engage with rescue and recovery activities means there has been very little time to think about the changing nature of projects. The purpose of this interactive workshop is to reflect on the implications of the new ways of working, share stories of successful emergency projects, and establish new guidelines, ideas and good practices for deploying urgent and unexpected projects. The session heralds the beginning of a new conversation about doing critical projects that matter under demanding and unforgiving circumstances. This IPMA expert workshop provides an opportunity for practitioners to hear what works, contribute, share, reflect and improve. Join us and our global community of practitioners to explore what’s different now and determine how we can become better at dealing with urgent and unexpected projects, programmes and initiatives. Format: virtual 2 hrs. event, Keynote speaker presentation, 3 cases from different countries, Interactive discussion in small groups. 

Stránka podujatia je na adrese: https://pmforum-online.com/en.

Peter Sochna

Certifikovaný konzultant, kouč a tréner. Autor portálu www.projektovymanazment.sk. Tel.: +421 (0) 903 272636 Email.: peter.sochna@gmail.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/petersochna

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